In 2020, Martindale Brightwood Community Development Corporation (MBCDC) began a relationship with Renew Indianapolis as part of a collaborative trio delivering comprehensive community development programs. It is an initiative that fosters neighborhood revitalization by preserving and increasing affordable housing in Martindale Brightwood and providing family enrichment services.
This engaging partnership includes Edna Martin Christian Center (EMCC), a service provider and anchor institution in Martindale Brightwood; MBCDC, the area’s community-based development organization; and Renew Indianapolis, a city-wide community development financial institution located near Martindale Brightwood. The combined resources, synergy, and proposals supplement the neighborhoods’ continued paths to restoration.
Over the past years, Martindale Brightwood residents and neighborhood organizations have navigated the unprecedented trials of COVID-19, while acknowledging the generations of systemic racism, the lingering impact of redlining, reverse redlining, and disinvestment.
Martindale Brightwood stands positioned for a new tomorrow on the shoulders of long-time residents committed to ensuring their community becomes a thriving epicenter of empowerment. Additionally, MBCDC is focused on building strong partnerships to preserve and increase the number of affordable housing units in the area. MBCDC has a long history of providing home repairs, housing counseling, job training, and advocating for neighborhood requests—and one of those blaring requests is for MBCDC to resume its work towards creating safe, equitable, and attainable homes for low and moderate-income families.
Working with Renew Indianapolis has afforded technical assistance and support for MBCDC to strengthen its knowledge base and capacity to build newly constructed single-family homes and assist residents with essential education to become successful homeowners.
Executive Director of MBCDC, Amina Pierson, works closely with Renew Real Estate Director Dawn Lindsey to better understand the details involved in housing development planning, project management, construction, and financing options for the sale of the property. Dawn has made herself and her team available for one-on-one training sessions as well as group sessions to model homebuyer education.